Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The voice of Che

“My tired eyes refused to sleep an in them a pair of green spots swirled, representing the world I had left for the dead behind me and mocking the so-called liberation I sought.”

This excerpt represent how he is feeling before he falls asleep, whether he made the right choice, whether it will work out, and what will he get out of his journey. There are many different roads to get to his endpoint and only he knows where that is. The imagery from Che leaving the world he knew behind shows how he wanted this freedom.

“I lay back, returning once again in my dreams to the caressing lap. And then, for the last time, I heard the ocean’s warning. Its vast and jarring rhythm hammered at the fortress within me and threatened its imposing serenity.”

This passage shows how when they got to the Atlantic Ocean, how that was only a part of their voyage. Realizing how the ocean can take him around the world to anywhere and everywhere. “Threatened its imposing serenity” I feel is his imagery of how the trip can be harsh yet calm all at once.

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