Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Atonement in Kite Runner

Atonement is amends or reparations for past wrong doings committed. I believe however that full atonement cannot happen unless you were to feel the same emotions as the person you affected before. That is something that is hard to achieve. Yet, by making mistakes we are able to learn and progress. No matter what you do, something has changed after that incident that will affect someone forever. You look at what happened with Hitler and after the Allied countries won the war, Germany had to pay reparations for the damages they caused. However, nothing can be done to bring those millions of people he killed back to life.

To me, I feel like Amir has many things to make up for. First off, I feel Amir needs to become more humble and less jealous of other people around him. Next, I it was completely wrong of him to read to Hassan but teaching him the wrong meaning of words was just flat out cruel. Then you have when Amir tries to frame Hassan for stealing money. Finally the most important is when he stood aside and allowed Assef to rape Hassan. To me, Amir was just a rich selfish brat that could not live up to his fathers expectations and could not find his niche in the world. I feel like he will never truly find atonement for his sins but it will, I feel become easier to live with, especially if Hassan were to forgive him.

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