Monday, May 4, 2009

Ind. Read Promt 1 (Last Lecture)

The main character in The Last Lecture is Randy Pausch. The whole book is circled around him finding out that he had developed pancreatic cancer and only ha so long to live. The book describes how he went about living his life once he knew death was just around the corner. What I have noticed most about him through what I have read so far is that he has really accepted the fact that he was going to die and he did not stay morbid over it. He attacked the life he had left and he wanted to leave his mark on the world that he was leaving behind. He also wanted to leave memories of him around so that his three children, all under the age of six, would know what their father was like. To me, I feel like this is a great inspirational story that is easy to read and true to the heart.

1 comment:

  1. I like your book choice. I watched a show on him when he was explaining his story and i too felt sympathy for him. Do you know if he died?
